Kamika Ekadashi 2024 Its date story significance

The Ekadashi that falls in the month of Shravan during Krishna Paksha is called Kamika Ekadashi. This year Kamika Ekadashi will fall on Wednesday, July 31, 2024  Kamika Ekadashi is dedicated to Lord Vishnu. On this day, people worship Lord Vishnu, who is shown carrying a conch shell, chakra mace. They also listen to the fast story (Vrat Katha) of Kamika Ekadashi.

Those who observe the Ekadashi fast properly and does Vishnu Puja, Lord Vishnu takes away all their troubles and liberates them from all the sins. By observing this fast, one can get the desired results. Besides, taking a bath in the pilgrimage places on the day of Kamika Ekadashi is considered very virtuous. The merit procured by observing this fast is equivalent to the grace obtained by performing an Ashwamedha Yagya.

Worshipping Lord Vishnu on the day of Kamika Ekadashi makes the ancestors happy, and your life’s troubles are also removed. The worship of Gandharvas and serpents (nagas) is naturally actualized by those who worship Lord Vishnu in the month of Sawan. Just by listening to its story, you get the same result as performing a Yagya.

Kamika Ekadashi Vrat Katha

According to this Kamika Ekadashi Vrat Katha, a long time ago, there lived a short-tempered person in a village. Once, someone in the village had a fight with that short-tempered man. In a fit of rage, the hot-headed man killed the innocent village person. 

Before he could realise his mistake, the victim had already died. In order to atone for his crime, the angry man wanted to perform the Shradh ceremony and the Shradh Bhoj of the deceased man. However, people flatly refused his proposal.

As per Kamika Ekadashi Katha, the short-tempered man was hurt by this. He asked a sage as to how he can atone for his sins? The sage was acquainted with his reformed nature and had watched him burn in the fire of repentance. 

The sage understood that now he had become a gentleman and was no more an angry man. The sage told him to perform Kamika Ekadashi to get rid of his sins. So, the man duly worshipped and slept near the idol of Shri Hari, then Lord Vishnu appeared before him in his sleep and granted him forgiveness. This was Kamika Ekadashi story, in short.

Kamika Ekadashi Meaning & Significance

When Kuntiputra Dharmaraja Yudhishthira asked Lord Krishna about Shravan Krishna Ekadashi. Then the Lord said, “O Yudhishthira, I will tell you the story of Kamika Ekadashi, which Brahmaji had told to Devarshi Narada”.

As per Lord Krishna, Brahmaji had told Narad Muni that Krishna Ekadashi of Shravan month is known as Kamika Ekadashi. And one who observes this Ekadashi gets the fruits of Vajpeya Yagya. By worshiping Lord Vishnu on this day with conch shell, chakra, mace, we acquire huge merit. Kamika Ekadashi should be done to get rid of sins.

By observing Kamika Ekadashi, the soul does not attain Kuyoni, and by offering Tulsi to Lord Vishnu, one gets freedom from all sins. This Tulsi donation is made of gems, pearls, gems, four loads of silver, and one load of gold. The person who waters the Tulsi plant in his house, his sins, sufferings end, and he/she becomes pure.

According to Padma Purana, Lord Krishna, while explaining the importance of Ekadashi to Yudhishthira, says that Ekadashi is the best among all the fasts, like Sheshnag among the serpents, Garuda among the birds, Lord Vishnu among the gods, Peepal among the trees and Brahmins among the human beings.

Kamika Ekadashi Tithi and Muhurta

FestivalsDate & Time
Kamika EkadashiWednesday, July 31, 2024
Ekadashi Starting04:44 PM on Jul 30, 2024
Ekadashi Ending03:55 PM on Jul 31, 2024
On 1st Aug, Parana Time06:14 AM to 08:44 AM
Parana Day Dwadashi End Moment03:28 PM


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